Luftringar & Dyhuvuden - Blåst filmextrudering
Under de senaste 40 åren har blåsfilmsextruderingsmaskiner från Taiwan tagit en stor del av den globala marknaden; Chuo Yii Enterprise Co. har anslutit sig till denna marknad för 20 år sedan. Nuförtiden arbetar hon för mer än 45 länder i världen genom att exportera de utmärkta produkterna, huvudkärnan i blåst filmmaskineri - Air ring och Die head.
Tack vare den utmärkta Venturi-effekten, luftringen och diehuvudet, samt från monolagerblåst film till flerskiktsfilm; shoppingpåsefilm, barriärfilm, till lamineringfilm, Chuo Yii erbjuder ett brett utbud av luftringar och diehuvuden som alternativ.
Maskinmontörer känner till sina lösningar på olika luftblåsningsproblem eftersom de litar på Chuo Yii och förlitar sig på Chuo Yii's tekniker.
Tack vare den egenägda aluminiumlegering sandgjutningsfabriken och det effektiva CNC-bearbetningscentret, arbetar hon starkt inom plastblåsfilmextruderingsindustrin. Förutom Chuo Yii luftring och formhuvud eller relaterade tillbehör, arbetar hon också med OEM-aluminiumgjutningsprodukter för marin, robotdelar eller industridelar.
Luftringar och formhuvuden expert
CHUO YII Enterprise Co. owns aluminum alloy sand casting foundry, and CNC machining center; and has been in the field of plastic blown film machineries parts more than 20 years. OEM/ODM works also includes: Air Ring, Die Head and huge size Aluminum Sand Casting objects. All are made in its own house; each process of working is under very strict process control, so that to ensure the products are always kept high level and outstanding performance. CY air rings and die heads are working properly under maximum output capacity, lowest gauge variation (low film thickness variation), bubble stability, glossy, neat film rolled up as well as durable and long life purposes. All sorts of blown films such as HDPE / LDPE / LLDPE / MDPE / PP / PVC / PA / PLA, mono / multi-layer up to 7 layers are included in our production filed.
ECO Mulch Film totallösning
In September 2024, CHUO YII Enterprise Co. launched a dedicated department focused on promoting ECO-friendly agricultural practices. The initiative centers around two key products:
1. Oxo-Biodegradable Additives (Masterbatch) / SCM-3611 – For Mulch Film production
2. Microbial Fertilizer / SZY – Designed for application in mulch film-covered lands
The CY ECO Mulch Film Solution integrates innovative technologies, including CY Air Ring and Die Head systems, oxo-biodegradable additives (SCM-3611), and Microbial Fertilizer (SZY), to create a comprehensive, sustainable approach to agriculture.
With this solution, mulch films made using oxo-biodegradable additives naturally decompose, leaving no harmful residues and eliminating labor-intensive removal processes. The solution also supports every stage of farming, from expert consultation to application guidance, ensuring optimal soil health and crop growth. By reducing water evaporation, retaining moisture, and controlling weeds, CY's solution enhances productivity while safeguarding the environment.
Through workshops and partnerships, CY actively promotes sustainable farming practices. By adopting CY ECO Mulch Film, farmers can achieve higher yields and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for agriculture.
Historiska register
- 1997: CHUO YII Industries was established and acted as mainly machining shop for air ring and all sorts of machining parts.
- 2009: Upgrade the company scale as CHUO YII Enterprise Co. and at the same time inviting Aluminum foundry facilities and brought in vertical CNC machine for air ring processing of all sorts and sizes; as well as die head or other accessories processing.
- 2010: Established the 2nd factory located at the Anding Industrial Area, Tainan, where mainly working for aluminum foundry and accepts all sorts of OEM / ODM sand casting works.
- 2024: Established a new department focused on delivering a comprehensive ECO Mulch Film Total Solution. This solution encompasses three key components: Mulch Film Air Ring and Die Head technology, oxo-biodegradable additives, and organic fertilizers.

Hög effekt, stabil bubbla och låg variation av filmtjocklek.
- Mycket stabil och högproduktiv luftring.
- Aluminium sandgjutningsverk.
- För tjockfilm med snabb kylning och stabil effekt - Justerbara utgångar.
- Från material till färdiga produkter 100% TILLVERKAT I EGEN HUS.
- Hög hastighet HDPE blåst film luftring.
- Toppskikts högteknologi säkerställer maximal produktion och stabilitet.
- Diehuvudet och tillbehöret till Rotary Device.
- Introduktionsvideo